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OPEN MORNINGWe're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Wednesday 13th November at 10:00am & 1:45pm.To book onto a tour, please contact the school office:Telephone: 01279 437590Email: admin.org.uk pic.twitter.com/Xk50F6EjJ7

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We celebrated our Young Carers this week with a fun trip to the park with Bertie, our therapy dog! 🐶 They were also treated to a delicious lunch on a VIP table! What an inspirational group of children! 💚 pic.twitter.com/Ju49gEh5l9

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☀️ Thank you to everyone who supported our Summer Fete on Friday! We were treated to range of stalls, a performance from our Dance Fusion pupils and some delicious ice cream! 🍦 pic.twitter.com/kz0KLryjhy

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🎸 We were treated to a wonderful musical performance last week from our Rocksteady pupils! 🥁 pic.twitter.com/xBruUqEj3j

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🏏 We had a fantastic day hosting our annual Sports Day! The children showed incredible sportsmanship and enjoyed testing out their skills on a variety of activities!Thank you to all the families who came to support and who joined us for a picnic afterwards! 🧺 pic.twitter.com/WAFy9Znozc

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📰 Our EYFS and KS1 pupils enjoyed a visit by a journalist!Some pupils also took part in a workshop where they interviewed staff, wrote an article and created a front page about an upcoming community project. What a fantastic end to Careers Week at Cooks Spinney! pic.twitter.com/rusuGA8xsB

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👮🏽‍♂️ Thank you to the fantastic police officers from who came in this week to talk about their careers. Our pupils were truly inspired!👮 pic.twitter.com/6o2072qUKm

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✏️ To continue our Careers Week celebrations, we had a host of wonderful visitors deliver Q&A sessions to our pupils. 🍕From a mobile pizza company owner and train driver to a nursery practitioner and freelance artist. Our pupils learnt so much! 🚂 🎨 pic.twitter.com/htvVTpmqly

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💇‍♀️ 👨🏾‍🍳To kick-start Cooks Spinney’s Careers Week, we asked some of our pupils what they would like to be when they grow up… We are very much looking forward to welcoming our visitors this week: police officers, journalists, artists & many more 👮🏽‍♂️👩🏻‍🍳 pic.twitter.com/WuwwCBYORt

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🍦 Well done to the children who got chosen for ice lolly Friday today! Keep up the hard work! 💚 pic.twitter.com/H6cNswYZP0

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🍦 Well done to the fantastic children chosen for Ice Lolly Friday! Keep up the great work! ☀️ pic.twitter.com/EsRivH0bvP

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🧗‍♀️ Our 6 pupils are having a fantastic time on their residential trip at Carroty Wood! So far, they’ve been rock climbing, pedal karting and mountain biking!🚵 pic.twitter.com/Q01fkkvvOf

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🔥 Our Year 1 pupils had a fantastic time recreating the Great Fire of London this week! 🔥 pic.twitter.com/a5gLXvw8Jq

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🎶 Our EYFS and KS1 pupils enjoyed singing their favourite song in singing assembly this week! 🎶 pic.twitter.com/Tp49sqzScD

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🎭 🎨 Earlier this week, we had an exciting curriculum day that focused on celebrating the arts! Pupils enjoyed participating in a range of activities from dancing to Footloose to singing along to the Beatles! 🎶 pic.twitter.com/kcvJP5WEHx

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🐑 🐐 To end ‘Our Furry Friends’ topic, Nursery pupils had a fantastic visit from Ark Farm!🌾 Tam and Arron from the farm taught as all about the animals, what they give us, the food they eat and how we look after them. pic.twitter.com/WQbZZr6GtW

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🥳 Well done to our fantastic Year 6 pupils for all their hard work during SATS week! We are all so proud of you!Thank you to our wonderful catering team who prepared a delicious breakfast each morning for our pupils💚 pic.twitter.com/JdNjGF6emp

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✈️ Today, Year 2 had amazing time seeing all of the different types of planes at Duxford. We learnt about how the planes have been used throughout history. They even got a chance to take a look inside a Concord. ✈️ pic.twitter.com/gd8GBoHJ13

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☀️ What’s better than hot chocolate Friday? The sun shining and ice lolly Friday instead! 🍦 Congratulations to our wonderful winners in Years 1-6💚 pic.twitter.com/ikupS2vSmf

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☀️ ⚽️ Our pupils had a fantastic time representing the school at the Fun Festival event this morning! They participated in a range of activities from basketball and hockey to Boccia and football. 🏑 🏀 pic.twitter.com/jrbM2YiRhR

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Outstanding Education

Supporting primary and secondary schools across Essex and North & East London, BMAT is a growing multi-academy trust with a singular vision: schools, teachers and pupils freed to succeed.

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Healthy Schools

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 ‘A healthy school seeks to provide a healthy environment that engages all – children & young people, staff, parents/carers and the wider community through a whole school approach.’

(Essex Healthy Schools)

Cooks Spinney Primary Academy and Nursery is an accrediated Healthy School.This means we promote life-long physical and mental health in a variety of ways.             



  • All pupils have a wide experience of a range of sports and activities. PE lessons provide basketball, football, dodgeball, hockey, netball, fitness, cricket, rounders, tennis, athletics, team building, outdoor education, gymnastics, yoga, dance and multi skills and swimming. A PE curriculum map makes sure the students experience a range of activities so as to find which they would like to pursue in an afterschool club (ASC) at Cooks Spinney or outside school.
  • Lunchtime time activities include skipping, basketball, climbing frame, table tennis. Other traditional play time equipment is available such as footballs and goals, netball, hoopla hoops & cricket equipment. CSA offers football & basketball at lunchtimes for the full hour supervised by PE staff on a rota system.
  • All Cooks Spinney children run the Mile A Day every morning which is a fantastic whole school achievement.
  • An extensive programme of free after school clubs catered for over 504 students in over 19 clubs in the first 2 terms. The clubs are run by external coaches from local sports clubs as well as the PE staff.  These clubs include netball, cheerleading, dance, hockey, tennis, football, tag rugby, gymnastics, indoor athletics, Change 4 Life, rounders, cricket, athletics, archery, tennis, new age kurling, boccia, dodgeball, basketball, cross country running, judo providing many opportunities to practice in a more focused environment.
  • 205 children have represented Cooks Spinney in BMAT & Harlow sports events and multicultural dance festival, with opportunities for B, C & D teams.
  • Teams reached the Harlow finals in dodgeball, badminton, basketball & hockey.
  • The PE team of co-ordinator, instructor & apprentice have all had training this year in gymnastics & dance from the Royal Opera House to improve the range and quality of PE lessons.
  • Cooks Spinney entered 8 children to the Harlow Festival of Dance for the first time.
  • 83% of all year 6 can swim competently and confidently. Our school has won the gold award over 4 years in a row which means Platinum is the next award to achieve in 2020/2021 which would be amazing.
  • We also use our Cooks Spinney vision of reaching for the stars by using the 5 stars stickers to promote positivity in lessons and throughout the school. We use all 5 of the star stickers which are Altruistic, Articulate, Adventurous, Ambitious and Adaptable. We allow peers & teachers to choose those who deserve a sticker, they also must explain why so that the students achieving it understands why they were chosen.. The children respond really well to them & are proud to receive the sticker as an award or effort point!

Archery 2 Hockey Skipping Archery Dance festival Cheerleading  

All of our children participate in a wide range of activities in PE lessons and in extra-curricular clubs.

Online resources:

A link to the events we run all year on our PE blog page.

A link to PE activities and a PE home learning page.

Free active families link from Getset4pe.

Personal, Social & Health Education - - Relationships and Sex Education - - Emotional And Mental Health Support

Personal, social, health, economic education – known collectively as the subject, PSHE is a unique subject that builds character and resilience, which are the key contributors in overcoming adversity and creating social mobility. It aims to give young people the confidence that they can achieve amazing things, teaching them to cope with the challenges that life brings and recognise their achievements – because they each have their own, unique potential to fulfil.


PSHE is a subject through which students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain.  Children in key stage 1 and 2 engage in lessons from our scheme of work which has three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World. 


From September 2020, schools across the UK have also adopted RSE (Relationships and Sex education).  RSE is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and involves learning about relationships, sexual health, sexuality, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity. RSE involves a combination of sharing information, and exploring issues and values. RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity.  At Cooks Spinney Primary Academy and Nursery, Relationships and Sex education is built into our PSHE curriculum.  Please view our PSHE scheme of work and our RSE Policy below for further information. 


PSHE Scheme of Work

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Policy


Further RSE Resources for Parents


Frequently asked parent questions and answers:



Government parent guide to RSE in schools:



Useful links for talking to your child about Relationship and Sex Education:





Strong social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) is key to leading a happy, fulfilled and independent life.  Please visit our mental health and wellbeing webpage to see what we do at school to support and promote this amongst our pupils, families and staff.


1 Fire and Safety 2 Crucial crew Air Amb 6 crop IMG 6877

Part of the PSHE curriculum is understanding how to stay safe and who we can ask for help.  We have had lessons from the Fire Service, Essex Air Ambulance, road safety and first aid lessons and our year 6 attend Crucial Crew, which help them with their transition to secondary school.


We value our pupils’ thoughts, feelings and ideas about how our school should be run.  Each year, every class elects a representative who participates in our Junior Leadership Team.  This group meets regularly to discuss matters of concern or interest that are then passed onto the Senior Leadership Team. 


In 2019, our Junior Leadership Team were invited to the Houses of Parliament by Harlow’s MP, Robert Halfon, to see how their adult counterparts worked!


Our JLT also participates in the Multi-Schools Council every term.  This is a group of SEND and mainstream schools that work together to ensure that every child has a voice and works on breaking down perceptions towards children with SEND and mental health difficulties in schools and their wider communities.



Parliament 4 

Our Junior Leadership Team visiting Parliament in the autumn term 2019.




Through the science curriculum, children learn the importance of being healthy. The curriculum covers different aspects in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When children start to learn about science, they are introduced to different types of food when they explore the five senses. By the end of Key Stage 1, children understand the basic needs of feeding, drinking and breathing in order to survive. They are introduced to the term “balanced diet” and begin to explore the correct amount of each food type that should be consumed. Alongside this, children learn about the importance of exercise and the effects it has on their bodies. Finally, children are taught how to maintain good hygiene in order to prevent illnesses and infections.


Children’s understanding is further developed in Year 3 when they learn about the different nutrients the body needs to stay healthy. They understand that certain foods may contain more than one type of nutrient.  In Year 4, children apply their knowledge of nutrients and discover what happens to nutrients when they are digested. By the end of Key Stage 2, children understand the impact diet, exercise and lifestyle has on the way their body functions.


Breakfast 2  Breakfast 3  3 skeleton

Children learn about how they grow and change and how they can maintain a healthy lifestyle with good hygiene and healthy eating.


Online resources:

This website is full of different activities for healthy eating:


British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week 12th-16th June 2023

This June, join us and take part in Healthy Eating Week.

As the cost-of-living crisis continues, it can be harder than ever to eat well. With this in mind, we are pleased to be taking part in Healthy Eating Week from 12-16 June this month. As part of the week, British Nutrition Foundation, a leading UK based nutrition charity will be sharing multiple FREE evidence-based resources which can support everyone who is interested having a healthy and sustainable diet!

For more information, visit their site:



British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week 13th-17th June 2022


Eat well for you and the planet!

Our school is participating in activities to promote healthy eating and lifestyle during the week of 13th to 17th June.

This year’s Healthy Eating Week aims to help everyone learn more about what they can do to have a healthier and more sustainable diet by focusing on five themes:

• Focus on fibre - for meals and snacks

Have more wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables, beans, peas, and lentils.

• Get at least 5 A DAY - put plenty on your plate

Have at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.

• Vary your protein - be more creative

Eat a wider variety of protein foods and choose plant protein sources more often.

• Stay hydrated- fill up from the tap

Have about 6-8 drinks a day and choose reusable or recyclable drinks containers.

• Reduce food waste - know your portions

Aim for the right amount when you shop, cook and eat to avoid throwing food away.

You can join in at home by visiting the British Nutrition Foundation’s website and using the other links below:

Build a brilliant snack activity:


Ways to reduce food waste at home:


Links to healthy recipes:




Thanks for helping us to promote the 'Eat Them to Defeat Them' campaign from Veg Power and ITV which used advertising and a schools’ programme to get kids to eat more vegetables.  This year the schools’ programme had a new theme “the veg are taking over the world” which celebrated the wonderful global diversity of food in school menus and the homes of families. Children were given stickers as a reward for trying new food at lunchtime, and a reward chart to take home to encourage them to repeat and normalise their new eating habits.  The campaign ran from 20th February to 31st March.  For further information, please download the parent pack


After last year’s success, Cooks Spinney is participating in the ‘Eat Them to Defeat Them’ campaign again this year, to encourage children to try out different vegetables over the next five weeks.  Check out our social media sites for weekly challenges.  Please download your parent pack here for more information and ways that you can help children to eat more vegetables!


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Our school is supporting the Eat Them to Defeat Them campaign to encourage children to eat more vegetables.  It's award winning and proven to make eating vegetables more fun.  The campaign has been created by Veg Power in partnership with ITV, Channel 4 and Sky and is supported by 10 supermarkets, food labels and other media brands, celebrities and chefs.  

Please look out for the reward charts and sticker packs in school bags.  To find out more and for great recipes and expert tips please go to www.EatThemToDefeatThem.com

We'll be asking for pupils to send in photos for our website of them eating the vegetables each week and would like them to send in their favourite ways to serve them up.  

Our pupil packs were kindly funded by Abbey View, a vegetable grower in Waltham Abbey. 


Butterflies class have been busy creating posters to remind everyone to eat more vegetables. 

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Cooks Spinney Primary Healthy Schools Week, 8th-12th February 2021

Smoothie Bowl                                Smoothie Challenge                      


Raspberry and blueberry Eagles Fruit Fancy Owls
Blueberry and Raspberry  Farrell's Enemy & Eagles Fruit Fancy Owls Smoothie Bowl


Mango strawberry apple LN and LN smoothie making Mj2
Mango, Strawberry and Apple Sibling Smoothie Ms Jordan's Smoothie Bowl


J1 J2 J3
1.Make it....2. mix it....3. drink it......gone!


School website by Cleverbox